Avalanche Safety for Ouray areas

在最后一场风暴过后数天至数周,可能会引发持续的板状雪崩. 它们经常跨越和超越地形特征,否则会限制风和风暴板雪崩. 在某些情况下,它们可以从低角度地形或邻近的斜坡上远程触发. 当我们进入冬季时,确保你已经做好了野外使用的准备. Avalanches don't discriminate... 无论你是雪地摩托、滑雪者还是徒步旅行者,它都同样危险. See the five steps to help you know before you go.

Get out in front of backcountry danger. 科罗拉多州的偏远地区辽阔而美丽,但它可以在瞬间发生变化.

Visit http://www.Colorado.com/WinterBackcountry to learn more and get resources, and http://www.Colorado.com/Pledge 让我们知道你这个冬天在野外探险是安全的.

知道你去(KBYG)是一个免费的雪崩意识程序. 没有太多的科学知识,没有远离山区的警告,没有需要记忆的公式. In about an hour, you will see the destructive power of avalanches, understand when and why they happen, 以及如何在山上玩得开心,避免雪崩.

1) Get The Gear

  • Avalanche Float Pack

    Avalanche Float Pack

    雪崩背包是一种集成了雪崩安全气囊系统的背包. 雪崩安全气囊基本上是一个大气球,如果你拉动绳子或把手,它就会膨胀. 充气的安全气囊将使它不太可能被雪崩完全掩埋, potentially helping you to be rescued faster.

  • Collapsable Probe

    Collapsable Probe

    一根金属棒,用来在雪崩残骸中寻找被埋的受害者. Avalanche probes are a must for the backcountry. 在雪崩的情况下,他们可以节省宝贵的几分钟的救援时间.

  • Transceiver


    收发机是一种集无线电发射器和无线电接收器于一体的机械装置. 它可以发射和接收无线电波进行通信. 收发器是局域网中网络输入卡的一部分. 它可以通过网络发送和接收消息.

  • Collapsable Shovel

    Collapsable Shovel

    雪崩铲比普通的雪铲更紧凑. BCA推土机铲可以从轴上分离,便于包装和携带到偏远地区. 研究表明,铲雪是雪崩救援中最耗时的环节.

  • Radio


    在雪崩的情况下,这是与团队其他成员沟通的关键. Outside of avalanche danger, it is great to use for backcountry skiers, snowboarders, hut trips, snowmobiles, or snow bike users.

2) Get The Training

  • Girl poking snow


    AIARE avalanche training courses are action-packed, 结合虚拟教室和大量的实地指导,为参与者提供雪崩意识和野外旅行技能的坚实介绍.

  • People standing pointing at mountains

    Mountain trip

    Mountain Trip offers Level 1, Level 2, and Avalanche Rescue courses with Silverton Avalanche School 课程旨在帮助那些在冬季在偏远地区旅行的人扩展他们的风险管理知识和实际救援技能.

  • Guy patting shovel on top of snow

    San Juan Mountain Guides

    Guiding and instruction with an IFMGA or AMGA & Avy Certified/Trained Guide

    AIARE Level 1 Course Manual

    AIARE “Blue Book” Rite in the Rain Fieldbook

    Use of latest avalanche gear & technology (beacon, probe, shovel from Ortovox)

    Certification of Course Completion

3) Get the Forecast

  • Avalanche Forecast map

    CAIC Forecast

    在前往偏远地区之前,查看中国民航雪崩预报对于在乌雷这样的雪崩易发地区保持安全至关重要. 天气预报提供最新的雪况信息, terrain risks, and weather factors that could impact your trip. 了解雪崩的风险等级可以帮助你做出明智的决定,并确保你可以享受你的冬季冒险,同时最大限度地减少危险.

  • Central mountains CAIC report

    CAIC App

    下载CAIC应用程序对于任何冒险进入科罗拉多州偏远地区的人来说都是必须的, including areas around Ouray. The app provides real-time avalanche forecasts, weather updates, and safety alerts right at your fingertips, helping you stay informed and prepared. With easy access to critical information, you can make smart decisions and reduce your risk, 确保更安全,更愉快的户外探险.

    Apple Download

    Google Download


Current Weather forecast for Ouray, Co

4) Get The Picture

  • Snowy Mountain

    Look for Fresh Snow & Tree Debris

    When it comes to avalanche safety, 寻找新的积雪和树木碎片是最近滑坡活动的关键指标. 新雪会在积雪中形成不稳定的积雪层, increasing the risk of an avalanche, while tree debris, such as broken branches or uprooted trees, often signals a recent avalanche path. By being aware of these signs, 你可以更好地评估地形,避开危险区域, 这有助于确保在圣胡安山脉等雪崩多发地区的安全旅行.

  • Cracks in snow

    Watch for Cracks

    在评估雪崩安全时,发现雪中的裂缝是一个关键的警告信号. 从你的脚或滑雪尖发出的裂缝表明积雪不稳定, 这意味着雪层很脆弱,容易滑动. 这些裂缝表明雪崩可能被触发,即使是在远处. 注意这个关键标志可以让你避开危险的地形,并有助于确保在像Ouray这样的地区进行更安全的野外冒险.

  • Skiers traversing up mountain

    Know Your Route

    了解你的路线对于雪崩安全和在边远地区的全面准备是至关重要的. By planning ahead, studying maps, and understanding the terrain, you can avoid dangerous areas prone to slides, such as steep slopes and terrain traps. 一条经过深思熟虑的路线可以帮助你更安全地航行, reduces risk, 并确保在情况发生变化时你有备用计划, 让你在山上的冒险更加自信和安全.

5) Get Out of Harm's Way

  • Avalanche

    Stay Safe

    如果你认为有一点点可能会引发雪崩,就不要冒这个险. 几分钟的肾上腺素不值得拿自己或别人的生命冒险. 一定要避免在雪崩路径或滑道上停车, 因为这些是发生滑坡时最危险的区域. When parking, 一定要把车停在小路的外面,以尽量减少暴露,保证自己和他人的安全. 保持谨慎和警觉是安全返回的关键.

Slab Avalanches.

远程触发是持续性板状雪崩的一个邪恶特征. With certain snowpack conditions, 我们可以在一个低角度的斜坡上开始一个裂缝,穿过雪到一个更陡的斜坡, releasing an avalanche.

Unstable Snowpack.

2020年12月24日,偏远地区的骑手远程引发了三场大型雪崩. 远程触发的雪崩发生在远离触发点的地方. They can be unpredictable, wide, and very dangerous.